Grace E. Keller

Founder / Co-Owner

Grace E. Keller is the founder of The Solution, More than Books, as a result of being active in and supporting the recovering community for over 30 years.

After several local recovery stores closed, Grace was inspired to open The Solution in October 2010.  With the support of her husband, sister and several close friends the store has been serving the 12-step community around the PNW for the last 10 years.

New to recovery she set out for a career to support herself and three young children, attending Green River Community College. There she earned a Degree in Welding Technology and became a Certified Welder for the State of Washington.  After 10 years of welding she attended Highline Community College where she earned an Associate of Arts Degree in Human Services and then a Bachelor of Liberal Arts Degree from Evergreen State College.

Unaware of the courage it takes to walk into a male dominated field, Grace was the first women to weld in several weld shops south of Seattle. There she gained confidence in herself and found a desire to support the community who had helped in her early days of recovery. Becoming a Chemical Dependency Counselor, she worked with adolescents and adults, both inpatient and outpatient with local treatment facilities.  After the loss of family members and physical health issues Grace felt there was something missing in life. This was when she was inspired to open the store. With the help a financial gift from a family member and a great desire to serve those who showed her a life beyond her wildest dreams the store became a reality.

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